
Maybe R isn't the whole thing.

There’s an article that talks about a better way to think about COVID-19.

I must admit I’ve been learning a lot about epidemiology and disease transmission lately.

In any case, the point of this article is that we’re not thinking about about the way COVID-19 is actually being transmitted, as opposed to other infections.

As I mentioned in my previous post, we have mainly been worrying about the R∅ of SARS-CoV-2. If it’s higher than 1, then there is a chance for increases in transmission. The previous pandemics have largely been due to influenza, and the R∅ for the 2009 H1N1 pandemic was estimated at 1.46. An R∅ of <1 would ultimately not be self-sustaining, and would die off quickly.

And this is what we’ve been trying to do this whole time. Because R∅ is also dependent on our own behavior. By socially distancing and wearing masks, we have been able to keep the R∅ to smaller numbers. Yet, even with all our precautions, we have paroxysms of infections, each setting off little shock waves.

Apparently, our main issue is thinking that COVID-19 acts the way influenza does in terms of its infectivity. Influenza has a fairly consistent transmission. Once you figure out “how infectious” a specific strain is, every person with it generally will infect a number of other people, where the number they infect is R∅. This results in a consistent, linear relationship, known as a deterministic one.

With SARS-CoV-2, apparently this is not the case. While most people don’t infect anyone (i.e., an R∅ of <1), there are a certain number of people who can be considered “super-spreaders", who can infect a huge number of people if the conditions are correct—there was one South Korean person who infected 5,000 within a megachurch. The problem is that we don’t know what makes people a super-spreader. Maybe they’re really loud? Carry a lot of virus in their nasopharynx?

Ultimately, what this means is that transmission does not follow the predictable linear fashion of a deterministic infection, where the R∅ is also the overall transmissibility. Rather, the k of the disease is large. And what is k? It’s a measure of the variability of the disease transmission. Think of it as the standard deviation (or, for us in medicine, the RDW of the CBC). With a large k, we are pointing out that transmission is more chaotic, or stochastic.

So what does that mean for us? Well, when you find someone who is positive, there’s a significant chance that he or she is not that contagious. But if you do backwards contact tracing, you might be able to go back and find the super-spreader. And those people should be isolated until they are no longer contagious.

Furthermore, you should avoid creating conditions where super-spreader events can happen. That means: no crowds, wear a mask, avoid prolonged contact. But this moves the emphasis towards avoiding large crowds of people, especially if they are not wearing masks. A perfect example is the recent Republican meetings at the Rose Garden, where a number of people have since become positive. While it was outside, there was prolonged physical contact amongst the attendees, and no one was wearing a mask.

This means that we have a way to fix it, but it requires people to actually wear masks and care for their fellow American, which apparently is not possible for a significant number of people in the country. We will see what happens as this moves forward.


So NY has now finally slowed down, even though the rest of the country is blowing up.

Some people are asking when herd immunity will be reached. The basic formula for figuring out the percentage that needs to be infected to reach herd immunity is (1 – 1/R∅). This means that if the R∅ is 2, then you need (1 – 1/2) or 50% immunity. But what is the R∅ of SARS-CoV-2? It varies.

It depends not only on the innate infectious nature of the virus (which, in this case, appears to be on the higher side, given the rate of asymptomatic carriage), but also on the actions of people. If everyone distances themselves from each other, then it would essentially go to 0. Wearing a mask should also help reduce it.

Are we going to keep the infections at zero forever in NY? No, there are going to be recurrences. But I think if we all wear masks, wash our hands, and act in a reasonable manner, we can prevent excessive cases to a large degree.

Whether everyone is going to do that is the ultimate question.